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Vice-president Chen Zhiguo Meets With Scholars From Russian Academy of Sciences
2017-03-23 11:06  

On 23 March, Vice-president Chen Zhiguo had a meeting in Mingde Building with Dr. Ilya Yevdokimov and Dr. Elena Bocharnikova from Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) who came to undertake the provincial “Outstanding Overseas Teachers” project and the provincial “Talent Introduction” project respectively. Vice-president Chen extended his greetings to the two experts, and made a brief introduction to HUHST. Dr. Ilya Yevdokimov then presented the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Soil and Biological Problems and his research direction. Dr. Elena Bocharnikova expressed her expectation to work in HUHST again and the hope to intensify the collaboration between HUHST and RAS. Dr. Yang Zeliang and Professor Chen Yuejin from School of Agriculture and Biotechnology HUHST also introduced in the meeting the arrangement for the two experts during their stay in HUHST.

Staff of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and School of Agriculture and Biotechnology attended the meeting.

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