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Vice President Chen Zhiguo Meets Overseas Expert Pointon
2017-10-24 17:51  

On the afternoon of October 23, 2017, Vice President Chen Zhiguo met Professor, Dr. Julia Pointon, HR expert of Law and Business school of De Montfort University of UK, in the meeting room of Business School of HUHST. On behalf of HUHST, Chen extended a warm welcome to Pointon who came to HUHST for short-term teaching and scientific research.

Chen hoped that the Human Resources major students of Business School could exchange deeply with Pointon and promote the transformation development of HUHST. At the same time, he sincerely wishes Dr. Julia to have a good, happy and unforgettable time during her stay.

Leaders from the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Business School, and project executors attended the meeting.

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