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University holds exhibition of rural revitalization planning anddesign
2021-06-14 17:27  

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party ofChina and the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on thePromotion of Rural Revitalization, the university recently held the "2021Mountain and Countryside Transformation - Rural Revitalization Planning andDesign Exhibition" to learn and implement the Law on the Promotion ofRural Revitalization and to pay tribute to the centennial of the founding ofthe Party.

Theexhibition boards, sand table and design drawings at the thematic exhibitionshowcase the achievements of our university in recent years in professionaldevelopment, cultural leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship, socialservices and village school cooperation focusing on rural revitalisation. Thethematic exhibition is a vivid practice for the university to build an exchangeplatform to open doors for professional development, promote major constructionand enhance the quality of applied talents training.

Vicepresident Professor Liu Jianxun delivered a welcome speech at the opening ofthe exhibition. He said it was very meaningful to show the teaching, researchand practice achievements of the university's environmental design major, whichis dedicated to overcoming the difficulties in anti-poverty drive and ruralrevitalization, and to build a platform for cooperation and exchange,attracting more people to pay attention to and support the construction of theenvironmental design major through the exhibition. Professor Liu Jianxun wantsto promote the high quality development of the training of talents for ruralrevitalization and contribute the wisdom and strength of the university for thesake of rural revitalization work.

PengZengguang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Loudi MunicipalPeople's Congress, said that the exhibition of rural revitalization planningand design held by the university showed both its role and action in Servingthe rural revitalization strategy and building a Modernized Loudi City,highlighted the level of the university’s major construction of environmentaldesign, and demonstrated the groveling spirit and craftsmanship of teachers andstudents who wrote their thesis on the motherland. We hope that theenvironmental design major will get better and better and cultivate moretalents for the revitalization of the countryside.

Ye Qiang, a member of the Steering Committee of Landscape Architecture major inNational Colleges and Universities, a professor and doctoral tutor of HunanUniversity, said that Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology seizedthe development opportunity of rural revitalization in major construction, andthe environmental design specialty took root in the countryside, served thecountryside and cultivated the construction of beautiful countryside, with itscharacteristics, level and influence, which played a strong exemplary role.

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, our university awarded the plaque of"Rural Revitalization Practice Base" to the People's Government ofRulin Town of Chengbu County and Shuangjiang Township People's Government ofLouxing District.

Expertsand scholars from China Architecture Society, Hunan Design Artists Association,Hunan University, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, HunanInstitute of Applied Technology in the field of rural revitalization, the staffof Loudi Science and Technology Bureau, Rural Revitalization Bureau and XinhuaCounty Natural Resources Bureau, and the heads of relevant functionaldepartments of the university attended the opening ceremony and exchangeactivities.

Inrecent years, the university has made a series of beneficial explorations andcarried out many vivid practices in serving poverty alleviation, ruralrevitalization, beautiful countryside construction, etc. by giving full play toits professional advantages, resource advantages, talent advantages andinnovation advantages. Environmental design major specialty takes advantage ofthe trend, develops rapidly, gathers strength in major construction, focuses onthe integration of science and education, and gathers strength in socialservice. Focusing on the needs of rural revitalization talents, we willcultivate applied talents full of human kindness in the countryside, explorethe mentoring teaching mode, and build a teaching system with four platforms,namely, studio platform, training room platform, practice platform andperformance platform. We will make every effort to build a teaching team thatcombines "research and research+design project transformation, curriculumteaching+design project transformation, serving the society+design projecttransformation", and teachers and students will do it in learning.Teachers and students walked out from the classroom and went to the field, andaround the vision of "making agriculture strong, beautiful countryside andrich farmers", they carried forward the spirit of "beingself-sufficient", found the charm of the village with their eyes, measuredthe width of the village with their feet, and drew the blueprint of the villagewith their hands. They practiced the concept of "green mountains and clearwaters" as "golden and silver hill" by combining knowledge andaction, and vigorously promoted "one village, one scene" and"planting" with their hearts and feelings. Teachers and students ofenvironmental design major have provided more than 100 social services in ruralplanning, landscape planning and design, environmental design, productpackaging design, interior design, etc. They have published more than 30 papersand works and applied for more than 10 patents.

(By Tan Juan, School of Fine Arts and Design )





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