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LiJunlin, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of HUHST visits the “RedCulture Cultivates Great Dream”Volunteer Team in ShangTuan Village
2021-07-23 15:16  

On July 19, Li Junlin, d eputySecretary of CPC Committee of HUHST arrived at Shangtuan Boarding School inXinhua County, guiding and visiting the “Red Culture Cultivates Great Dream”Volunteer Team that involved in Triple Services Activity in Summer forvolunteers into rural areas, accompanied by heads of Department of Publicityand United Front Work, Trade Union, the University Youth League Committee.


Li asked the current situation of volunteers in a detail way andobserved the teaching activity, after that a meeting was held. Feng Youbin, theprincipal of Shangtuan boarding school, organizer and representatives ofVolunteer Team attended the meeting.

The guiding teacher Xiao Yi introduced their main mission andworking arrangement. He said all the volunteers are guided by the principle of“shining in eyes, working with hand, practicing in land, loving with heart”,dedicating and serving with full passion.

Dr. Zhou Hao introduced the mission of researching, detailingthe theme from three aspects-“why, what, and how to conduct the research”.

Deng Ruyi, representative of researching group, narrated theirworking conducted in the morning. Also, she expressed her idea that volunteerwould uphold the attitude of volunteering to bear hardships and be the first toshow our ideals, abilities and responsibilities in practice, which is the newlooking of youth in new era. Zou Zhiyin, representative of the teaching group,shared her greatest feeling within these days. She said, they would determinedto fulfill their missions and shoulder responsibilities, contributing afabulous chapter of youth in their self-improvements.

After listening the speeches from teachers and students, Li setthree requirements for all the teachers and students in Volunteer Team. First,to strength the Ideological and political education for college students;Second, the theme should be clear and remarkable; Third, safety is thepriority. He hoped that the whole volunteers could dig deeper within peoplethrough solid practice, carry forward the spirit of bear hardships and standhard work, serving the people wholeheartedly, establish a correct world views,outlook on life and values, and combined with professional knowledge, give fullplay to their best strengths, better to carry out teaching and research work.


( by:Duan Yuwen; Huang Liaoming ;Ou Jia ;Peng Wenyi)

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