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Delegation from Bath Spa University in the UK Visits HUHST for Exchange
2023-12-01 17:21  



        On Nov. 27, 2023, a delegation from Bath Spa University (BSU) in the UK visited HUHST for academic exchange. The delegation comprised Benjamin Samuel Hughes (Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor of BSU), Polly Loveday Derbyshire (Dean of the School of Business), Jiemin Tomita (Director of International Enrollment and Cooperation Department), and Huang Zichen from its China office. They were warmly welcomed by Prof. Chen Zhiguo, Member of CPC Committee and Vice President of HUHST. A discussion and exchange session took place at the School of Business, which was also attended by Huang Min (Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office), leaders from the School of Business, and other representatives. Following the meeting, Benjamin delivered a presentation for and exchanged views with students and faculty from the School of Education on the Early Childhood Education program (a cooperative education program). Besides, Polly conducted an open class for students and faculty from the School of Business.

During the discussion, Prof. Chen Zhiguo expressed a warm welcome to the delegation from BSU, affirming the fruitful collaboration between the two universities over the years in talent cultivation, academic cooperation, and exchange. He expressed anticipation for deeper cooperation in various fields. Liu Xintian (Dean of the School of Business, HUHST) and Polly successively introduced the faculty, academic conditions, majors and courses, and international cooperation of their respective business schools. Friendly and frank discussions were held on advancing collaborative programs, faculty and student exchanges, teacher training, and student exchange programs. After the meeting, Benjamin and other members of the delegation visited the training rooms and laboratories of the School of Business, HUHST.

Benjamin later visited No. 2 Lecture Hall of HUHST to attend an exchange meeting for the Early Childhood Education program (cooperative education program). Jiemin Tomita and Prof. Chen Zhiguo also attended the meeting. Other participants included Director Huang Min, leaders and other staff representatives from the School of Education, and students from the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Excellence Classes. Benjamin mainly introduced BSU's teaching philosophy and culture, as well as the benefits of studying abroad. Finally, he provided detailed answers to students' concerns about academic planning, language barriers, and other issues.

In addition, Polly conducted an open class on "Entrepreneurship & Leadership" for students from the School of Business in Room 101, Gaoyun Building. During the class, students actively participated in the interaction, creating a lively atmosphere.

As a deep cooperative partner of HUHST, BSU strengthened its collaboration and communication with us through this visit. The visit not only deepened existing collaborative projects but also expanded collaboration channels and directions, injecting new energy into HUHST's commitment to "openness and excellence."


(Text ang image by courtesy of Xiang Haoping, Fan Xinger, and Yang Liu)

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