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Notice on The Qualification of Colleges and Universities Teachers of 2021 Spring
2021-03-29 11:55  

In accordance withthe "Notice on the Qualification of Teachers 2021" Xiang Jiaotong[2021] No. 59 document, combined with the actual situation of university, inorder complete the qualification of higher education teachers in Loudi City inthe spring of 2021, the relevant matters are as follows:

1. Object ofdeclaration

Teachers onduty and has obtained the "Qualification Certificate for Pre-job Trainingof College Teachers" or "Qualification Certificate for TrainingDemonstration Projects for Newly-Joined Teachers in Colleges andUniversities" and faculty members who currently do not have thequalifications of college teachers. Teachers from HUHST filled out appendix 1before April 22, "Hunan Entrusted Colleges and Universities Applicationfor Recognition of Teacher Qualification Personnel Roster in 2021" andsent to for registration.

2. Applicationprocedure and time arrangement

1Theonline application time for spring batches is from April 15th to April 30th.Applicants should log in to the China Teacher Qualification Network and fill inrelevant information in time ( Whenapplying online, the applicant must fill in the application informationtruthfully and completely according to the prompts of the online report system,and the information must be consistent with the on-site confirmation materials.When filling in the "Working Unit" column of the "TeacherQualification Certification Application Form" in the system, the full nameof the university should be filled in. When applying online, you must upload arecent bareheaded one-inch photo (format: JPG/JPEG, white background, no morethan 200K), and this photo must be the same version as the photo pasted on thepaper. The accreditation agency for teachers who apply for higher educationqualifications is the Hunan Provincial Department of Education.

2Fees: Applicants who graduated from full-time normal education majors(excluding normal education graduates working in management and teachingassistant positions), associate professors or above (including associateprofessors), or those who have a doctorate degree will not be charged forcertificate. Other personnel charge 150 yuan for the basic quality of teachingand ability testing. Teachers from our university will issue receipts at theTeacher Development Center from April 26-27 to the school's financialdepartment to pay (teachers from other schools will pay together afterreceiving them).


April 22-23, 8:00-9:30,the "Hunan Province Teacher Qualification Medical Examination Form"stamped by each school is shown in appendix 2. Go to the designated hospitalsof each school on an empty stomach (Teachers of HUHST are in the CDC) toparticipate in the physical examination. The medical examination form must havethe signature of the doctor, the "qualified" conclusion and theofficial seal of the hospital; those who have not signed the conclusion shallbe deemed invalid.

4. Interview

1Time:Tentatively scheduled for April 29-30, 2021, if there is any change, we willnotify later.


Arrive at the interview and test-talk waiting room tosign before 20 minutes according to the interview notification time;

Do not use multimedia, and the content of the triallecture is consistent with the applied course.

5. Documents to besubmitted

1copy of ID card;

2Academiccertificate (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan academic qualifications should also besubmitted with the "Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Academic Certificate"issued by the CSCSE, and the "Foreign Academic Certificate" issued bythe CSCSE should also be submitted for foreign academic qualifications;

3Acopy of the Putonghua proficiency test grade certificate (exclude those whohold the title of associate professor or above (including associate professor)or have a doctorate degree);

4Acopy of "Pre-job Training Certificate for College Teachers" or"Certificate of National Training Demonstration Project Training for NewTeachers in Colleges and Universities"

5Coursesof normal major and educational practice results (only for normal major);

6"RegistrationForm for Interview of Applying for Recognition of Teacher Qualifications"(only for applicants who have requirements for interviews), appendix 3;

7Employmentcontract and other certificates (the teachers of Hunan University ofHumanities, Science and Technology do not need to provide);

8Physicalexamination certificate (Hunan Provincial Teacher Qualification RecognitionPhysical Examination Form);

9Letterof authorization, appendix 6.

The aforesaid documentsare requested to be bounded into a book (see appendix 4 and 5 for the cover andcatalog) and handed over to the Teacher Development Center of (Room 312, MingdeBuilding) before April 27, 2021. The application will not be processed afterthe deadline.


Teacher Development Center of HUHST

March 29, 2021

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ADDRESS: Dixing Road, Loudi City, Hunan Province, China | ZIPCODE: 417000 | TEL: 0738-8370207 | FAX: 0738-8376006

?2012 Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology