



The International Office is responsible for all the affairs related to exchange andcooperation. It is the administrative department of the University’scentralized management to implement China’s foreign policy and deal withimportant foreign affairs. The main functions are as follows:

1. Implement and act in accordance with theprinciples and policies of State governing international and Hong Kong, Macaoand Taiwan affairs; accomplish tasks concerning relevant exchange andcooperation at HUHST.

2. Draw up annual exchange and cooperation plan,supervise and push forward the implementation of each item of the plan; completeand submit annual statistics, sheets, and summaries to the higher authority.

3. Employ and retain both short-term and long-termforeign experts/teachers to work at HUHST.

4. Assist to receive and host delegations(international, or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and make schedules fortheir visits; coordinate and arrange HUHST leaders to interview thedelegations.

5. Examine, verify and approve the plans for HUHSTstaff members to go abroad for short term study & research; assist staffmembers going abroad to go through formalities concerning the issuance ofpassports, visas. Be responsible for the management of staff members studyingor working abroad.

6. Draw up plans for and arrange HUHST presidents’visits abroad.

7. Develop cooperation programs; prepare agreementsbetween HUHST and cooperative partners, organize and supervise the fulfillmentof agreements on behalf of HUHST.

8. Apply for, organize and coordinate theinternational academic conferences.

9. Assist subordinate units in preparing andinitiating international cooperative research programs.

10. Develop, submit, and organize programs ofChinese-foreign cooperation in running schools.

11. Admit, administrate and arrange teachingactivities for international students.

12. Accomplish other tasks assigned by superiors .

Contact Information:

International Office

Hunan University of Humanities, Science andTechnology,

Dixing Rd. Loudi City,

Hunan Province, 417000, China

Tel: +86-738-8376006 ; +86-738-8370207

Fax: +86-738-8376006
