School of Chinese Language and Literature
School of Chinese Language and Literature

The school has 49 faculty members, including 42 full-time teachers (10 professors, 15 associate professors, 5 doctorate degree holders), 1 provincial discipline foregoer, 1 teacher in provincial new century “121” talents project, 6 Provincial Young Key Teachers (include training targets), 1 provincial teaching expert, and 1 elected in municipal new century “121” talents project in Loudi City at the first level. The school has 1122 students, which is an important base for cultivating talents with a good knowledge of Chinese and secretary in central Hunan Province. It has 1 studio of film aesthetics, 4 language laboratories, 6 multimedia classrooms and 1 reference room. Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature is the key construction discipline in the 11th Five-Year Plan, and Chinese Language and Literature is the key construction featured discipline in the 12th Five-Year Plan. Chinese Linguistics and Literature is the key construction discipline in HUHST. Chinese Pedagogical Theory is the provincial excellent course. The Meishan Culture Research Center is the only research institution for studying Meishan Culture in national colleges. The faculty has published more than 30 monographs and textbooks, and over 600 articles which include more than 160 core journals since 2005. They have held over 50 research projects in different levels, 3 funded National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences, 14 by provincial Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences. The faculty also gained 4 prizes awarded by Hunan Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences, 10 by Loudi Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences. They held 17 educational reform projects, and 3 of them were in provincial level, 14 in college level. They won 2 provincial teaching prizes, 3 university teaching prizes, 1 prize of provincial excellent textbook. The school has been cultivating over 10000 graduates in the past 30 years. Most of them teach Chinese in primary and middle schools, some of them are core teachers, and 2 are rated as National Prominent Teachers. Many graduates are leaders in party/government offices, enterprises or public institutions at different levels, college professors, scholars, writers, news editors and journalists, etc. In the recent three years, more than 60 students were successfully enrolled as postgraduates by different universities, and 50 graduates were selected as public servants in government offices. The initial employment rate of graduates reaches to 90% and above.

Undergraduate programs:

Chinese Language and Literature, Secretary Education

Diploma program: Chinese language education

Main required courses for undergraduate programs:

Chinese Language and Literature: Modern Chinese, Ancient Chinese, Introduction to Literature, Chinese Ancient Literature, Foreign Literature, Writing, Introduction to Linguistics, Literature Appreciation, History of Western Literary Theory, History of Ancient Chinese Literary Theory, Logic, Introduction to Aesthetics, Comparative Literature, Study of Modern Writers in Central Hunan, Introduction to Meishan Culture, etc.

Secretary Education: Secretarial Studies, Secretarial Psychology, Practice of Secretary, Archival Science, Public Relation Studies, Social Etiquette, Office Automation, Secretarial Writing, China's Contemporary Literature, Chinese Ancient Literature, Foreign Literature, Modern Chinese, etc.

Chinese Language Education: Modern Chinese, Ancient Chinese, Introduction to Literature, Chinese Ancient Literature, China's Contemporary Literature, Foreign Literature, Writing, Literature Appreciation, Logic, Pedagogy, Psychology, Chinese Teaching Methodology, etc.

Contact Information:

Telephone: 0738-8325885

ADDRESS: Dixing Road, Loudi City, Hunan Province, China | ZIPCODE: 417000 | TEL: 0738-8370207 | FAX: 0738-8376006

?2012 Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology