School of Energy and Electromechanical Engineering
School of Energy and Electromechanical Engineering

The school has 55 faculty members, half of which obtain qualification certificates in their research fields. There are 6 professors, 10 associate professors, 12 doctorate degree holders, 1 provincial “outstanding teacher”, 2 provincial “young key teachers”, 1 first-level talent enrolled in the municipal “252 talent project”, 6 provincial experts for vocational education selection, 1 provincial experts for qualification review of the coal production license, 1 expert for electromechanical transportation management of the national coal system, and 1 provincial expert for bidding evaluation. The school has 2 practical teaching centers: Energy and Mechatronic Experiment Center & Metalwork Training Center. The former owns specified labs such as “Modern Technology of Design and Manufacturing”, “Electrical Technology”, “Energy and Power Engineering”, “Material Forming and Control Engineering”, etc. It has 52 sub-labs with an area of 5000 m2, over 4300 pieces of equipment, and fixed assets of more than 20 million Yuan. The latter has 6 training workshops including bench-work, lathe-work, welding, numerical control, etc., with an area of 1800 m2 and equipment with a worth of 2.48 million Yuan. It has the qualification for national vocational skills identification, and will expand its scale to over 3000 m2. The school collaborates with 12 companies for cooperative education, and has already built 5 bases. The school lays stress on discipline and subject construction. It has two research centers, and the program “Energy and Power Engineering” has been awarded as the provincial pilot program for integrated reform. This program established profound relationship with Liang Biomass Power Generation Co. Ltd in collaborative education, running “Liang Class”. In the past five years, the faculty held or participated in more than 70 research projects in various levels, among which there are 4 sponsored by National 863 Projects, 2 by National 973 Projects, 6 by National Nature Science Foundation, 10 by Provincial Nature Science Foundation, 6 by Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province, 16 by Hunan Educational Department, and 14 National Key Projects. Moreover, they have published 5 monographs, 2 textbooks, over 200 papers and won more than 20 patents; and won 2 first-prize in Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress, 1 third-prize in Maniacal Scientific and Technological Progress, 4 municipal prizes in scientific and technological progress, and 1 second-prize and 1 third-prize in Provincial Excellent Educational Achievement. The school actively promotes academic exchange, and established relationships with domestic and overseas universities, research centers and enterprises, holding numerous high-level academic lectures annually.

Undergraduate programs:

Automation, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Energy and Power Engineering, Material Processing and Control Engineering

Main required courses for undergraduate programs:

Automation: circuit, electronic technology foundation, automatic control theory, motor and electric traction, power electronic technology, microcomputer principle and interface technology, detection and instrument, process control engineering, C language programming, motion control system, single-chip microcomputer principle and application, computer control technology, electrical control and PLC, building automation, intelligent control introduction, introduction to pattern recognition, etc.

Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation : digital electronic technology, descriptive geometry & mechanical graphing, theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, mechanics and machine theory, mechanical design, mechanical engineering materials, NC machining process, hydraulic and pneumatic technology, mechatronics system design, etc.

Energy and Power Engineering (Biomass Heat Utilization / Building Energy Efficiency): engineering graphics, mechanics and machine theory, mechanical design, mechanical engineering materials and manufacturing, engineering thermodynamics, hydromechanics, heat transfer theory

Biomass Heat Utilization: biomass-boiler technology, steam turbine operation, electrical control technology in biomass-power plants, etc.

Building Energy Efficiency: new energy and green buildings, architectural equipment engineering, refrigeration principle and equipment, building energy efficiency, air-conditioning engineering, etc.

Material Processing and Control Engineering: descriptive geometry & mechanical graphing, fundamentals of materials science, mechanics of engineering, mechanics and machine theory, electrical techniques, mechanical design, control engineering, principles of metal plastic forming, heat working technology, heat treatment of metals, mold manufacturing techniques, plastic forming techniques and mold design, mold CAD/CAE technology, etc.

ADDRESS: Dixing Road, Loudi City, Hunan Province, China | ZIPCODE: 417000 | TEL: 0738-8370207 | FAX: 0738-8376006

?2012 Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology