School of Mathematics and Finance
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School of Mathematics and Finance
2017-05-19 17:04  

School of Mathematics and Finance offers three undergraduate specialties: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Information and Computational Science, Monetary Engineering.

There are 41 teachers in the department, including 2 professors, 17 associate professors. 25 of the teachers have acquired doctoral or master’s degrees, four have been awarded “Provincial Young Key Teachers”. The school has a faculty of high-level innovation, teaching and scientific research. Mathematical Analysis is a provincial excellent course and Mathematical Modeling Teaching Team is a provincial teaching team. The students won the first prize in the National Mathematical Modeling Contest in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2015 respectively and won the second prize in the International Mathematical Modeling Contest in 2008, 2015. The postgraduate admission rate is about 15% annually.

Undergraduate programs:

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics; Information and Computational Science; Monetary Engineering

Main required courses for undergraduate programs:

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Education Orientation):

Education, Psychology, Modern Educational Technology, Mathematics Curriculum Studies, Elementary Number Theory, History of Mathematics, Junior Mathematics, Middle School Mathematical Olympiad, Primary Olympic Mathematics, Mathematical Methodology, Mathematical Thinking

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Financial Orientation):

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Finance, Management, Financial Accounting, Stochastic Processes, Econometrics, Financial Engineering, Financial, Marketing, Financial Mathematics, Financial Investment,

Information and Computational Science:

Mathematical Analysis, Algebra, Analytic Geometry of Space, Probability and Statistics, Mathematical Modeling, Mathematical Software, Physics, Information Theory Foundation, Numerical Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Ordinary Differential Equations, Operations Research, Modern Cryptography, Modern Algebra, Data Structures, Computer Network, Database Theory, Cybernetics Foundation, Coding Theory, Digital Signal Processing, Data Structures, Computer Languages, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Computer Graphics.

Monetary Engineering:

Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Financial engineering; Finance; International finance; Securities investment; Econometrics; Financial data mining and modeling; Basic accounting; Financial management; Higher mathematics; Linear algebra. Probability and mathematical statistics; Mathematical experiment and mathematical modeling; Financial derivatives and investment; Statistical software

Contact Information:

Telephone: 0738- 8325105

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ADDRESS: Dixing Road, Loudi City, Hunan Province, China | ZIPCODE: 417000 | TEL: 0738-8370207 | FAX: 0738-8376006

?2012 Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology